So instead of crying (again) tonight and stuffing my face with chocolate and anything else I can find in my cupboards, I decided to do something productive. Though, to be completely honest, supper was a hot fudge sundae. Sometimes chocolate is the only answer.
This time the answer was a combination of chocolate and painting. And music. And Skyping with my brother. And seeing my niece practice walking. And a new episode of NCIS. Mark Harmon can put anyone in a good mood.
Alright, I'll admit the world doesn't completely suck.
Tonight I realized I haven't picked up a paintbrush since well before Christmas. That's just heartbreaking. So. I grabbed my paints & brushes and started working on the third painting in a series of six 12x12s for my newest nephew. Who will be 8 months old in a week. (Yikes! I need to get these done before he's one...). They're all replicas of paintings we found on Etsy, so I'm not going to post my copies. Just know they're adorable.
As for music, I've been listening to a lot of Dave Barnes lately. His newest album, Stories to Tell, was released last week and I'm loving it.
Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteMark Harmon really CAN put anyone in a good mood... awesome way to look at the bright side!